Ruthie Baughey

Ruthie Baughey

Passionate zombie expert. Wannabe internet evangelist. Wannabe social media aficionado. Extreme beer trailblazer. Freelance twitter evangelist.

76 Author´s Posts
Listening Skills: A Comprehensive Overview

Listening Skills: A Comprehensive Overview

Listening is an essential skill for communication and problem-solving. It is the ability to hear and understand what...

Simple Decisions - An Overview

Simple Decisions - An Overview

Making decisions can be one of the most difficult tasks an individual can face. But what about making simple decisions?...

Virtual Brainstorming Sessions: A Comprehensive Overview

Virtual Brainstorming Sessions: A Comprehensive Overview

In the age of technology, virtual brainstorming sessions have become an increasingly popular and effective way to...

Five Whys Technique: A Comprehensive Analysis

Five Whys Technique: A Comprehensive Analysis

Root cause analysis is one of the most important and effective problem-solving techniques used by organizations today. It ...

Data Collection and Analysis - Problem Solving Skills and Research Skills

Data Collection and Analysis - Problem Solving Skills and Research Skills

Data collection and analysis is an essential skill for any problem solver or researcher. It involves gathering data,...

Negotiation and Compromise

Negotiation and Compromise

Negotiation and compromise are two essential problem-solving and communication skills that are needed in almost every...

Gantt Charting: A Primer for Problem Solving & Planning Techniques

Gantt Charting: A Primer for Problem Solving & Planning Techniques

Gantt charting is a powerful tool for problem solving and planning techniques. It can help you visualize the tasks and...

Identifying Patterns: A Practical Guide

Identifying Patterns: A Practical Guide

Identifying patterns is an essential skill for anyone looking to solve problems and research effectively. In this...

Crossword Puzzles and Sudoku: A Problem-Solving Exploration

Crossword Puzzles and Sudoku: A Problem-Solving Exploration

Crossword puzzles and Sudoku are two of the most popular problem-solving activities available. Both offer players the...

Analyzing Consequences: A Problem Solving Strategy

Analyzing Consequences: A Problem Solving Strategy

When it comes to problem-solving, analyzing consequences is a strategy that should not be overlooked. It involves looking ...

Value Innovation Techniques

Value Innovation Techniques

In today's competitive and ever-changing business world, it is essential for companies to stay ahead of the curve. Value...

Imagination Activities and Brainstorming Sessions

Imagination Activities and Brainstorming Sessions

Imagination activities and brainstorming sessions are essential tools for problem-solving and creative thinking. They...

Mind Mapping: A Creative Problem Solving Tool

Mind Mapping: A Creative Problem Solving Tool

Have you ever been stuck trying to solve a problem? Mind mapping is a creative problem solving tool that can help you...

Idea Generation Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

Idea Generation Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

The ability to generate and develop new ideas is a key component of successful problem-solving and innovation. However,...

Brainwriting: A Group Brainstorming Technique

Brainwriting: A Group Brainstorming Technique

Brainwriting is an effective group brainstorming technique that is often used to generate ideas and inspire creativity....

Word Association and Random Word Generation

Word Association and Random Word Generation

Have you ever experienced the dreaded writer's block? We all know the feeling, when you're trying to brainstorm and all...

Critical Path Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Critical Path Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Critical Path Analysis (CPA) is a powerful problem-solving technique used to plan and analyze complex tasks. It is a...

Reducing Air Pollution Levels

Reducing Air Pollution Levels

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, reducing air pollution levels is one of the most...

Using Analogies to Solve Problems

Using Analogies to Solve Problems

Do you ever find yourself stuck on a difficult problem, unsure of how to solve it? One of the most effective strategies...

Maximizing Efficiency and Productivity

Maximizing Efficiency and Productivity

In today's world, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to maximize efficiency and productivity. Companies that...

Visualization Activities and Drawing Exercises

Visualization Activities and Drawing Exercises

The power of visualization and drawing exercises can often be undervalued. Visualization activities and drawing exercises ...

Identifying Root Causes

Identifying Root Causes

When it comes to solving problems, identifying the root cause of the issue is one of the most important steps in the...

Design Thinking Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

Design Thinking Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

Design thinking is a creative problem-solving approach to innovate and generate new ideas. It's a process of using...

Collaborative Mind Mapping Software

Collaborative Mind Mapping Software

Collaborative mind mapping software is a powerful tool for brainstorming and creating ideas. It can help teams work...

Exploring Lateral Thinking: A Comprehensive Guide to Problem Solving Strategies

Exploring Lateral Thinking: A Comprehensive Guide to Problem Solving Strategies

Do you have a problem that needs solving? Are you looking for a creative and effective way to tackle it? If so, then...

Brainwriting: A Creative Problem-Solving Technique

Brainwriting: A Creative Problem-Solving Technique

Are you looking for a creative problem-solving technique that will help you break free from the same-old ideas and...

Reducing Costs and Increasing Profits: A Problem Solving Example

Reducing Costs and Increasing Profits: A Problem Solving Example

Are you looking for ways to reduce costs and increase profits? With the help of problem solving examples, businesses can...

Mind Mapping and Listing Ideas

Mind Mapping and Listing Ideas

Are you looking for a new and effective way to brainstorm and think creatively? Mind mapping and listing ideas is a great ...

Round-robin brainstorming: Exploring a Group Brainstorming Technique

Round-robin brainstorming: Exploring a Group Brainstorming Technique

Brainstorming is one of the most powerful tools for generating creative ideas and solving problems. It has been used in...

Exploring Synectics Technique: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring Synectics Technique: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to bring new and innovative ideas to your team or organization? If so, then exploring the Synectics...

SWOT Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

SWOT Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Businesses and organizations of all sizes rely on SWOT analysis to gain a better understanding of the current state of...

Fault Tree Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Fault Tree Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a problem-solving technique used to investigate the causes of a certain fault. FTA is a...

How to Explain Ideas Clearly

How to Explain Ideas Clearly

Do you ever find yourself struggling to explain a concept or idea to someone? It can be difficult to communicate complex...

Exploring the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Problem Solving

Exploring the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Problem Solving

Creativity is a key component of problem solving, and there are many techniques available to help you come up with...

Force Field Analysis for Problem Solving and Decision Making

Force Field Analysis for Problem Solving and Decision Making

Force field analysis is a powerful tool for problem solving and decision making, enabling individuals and organizations...

Brainstorming: A Comprehensive Look at Creative Problem Solving

Brainstorming: A Comprehensive Look at Creative Problem Solving

Creative problem solving is an essential skill for success in any field. Brainstorming is a powerful tool to generate...

Exploring Online Whiteboarding Tools for Brainstorming

Exploring Online Whiteboarding Tools for Brainstorming

Brainstorming is an effective and powerful tool for tackling complex problems, generating innovative ideas, and enhancing ...

Exploring Brainwalking: A Creative Problem-Solving Technique

Exploring Brainwalking: A Creative Problem-Solving Technique

Are you looking for a creative problem-solving technique that can help you think outside the box? Brainwalking is an...

Solving Relationship Issues

Solving Relationship Issues

The complexity of our relationships with the people in our lives can bring joy and comfort, but can also be a source of...

Interpreting Information: A Problem-Solving and Research Skills Primer

Interpreting Information: A Problem-Solving and Research Skills Primer

Interpreting information is an essential problem-solving and research skill. In today's world, we are constantly...

Preserving Natural Resources

Preserving Natural Resources

The preservation of natural resources is one of the most important environmental issues of our time. As the global...

Mind Mapping - Creative Problem Solving and Creative Thinking Techniques

Mind Mapping - Creative Problem Solving and Creative Thinking Techniques

Mind mapping is a powerful creative problem solving and creative thinking technique that can help you unlock your...

Round-robin Brainstorming: A Creative Problem Solving Tool

Round-robin Brainstorming: A Creative Problem Solving Tool

When it comes to creative problem solving, round-robin brainstorming is a powerful tool that can help you come up with...

Analyzing Arguments Logically

Analyzing Arguments Logically

Are you looking for a way to analyze arguments logically? If so, you have come to the right place. In this article, we...

Questioning Assumptions: A Critical Thinking Skill

Questioning Assumptions: A Critical Thinking Skill

It's easy to take things at face value and assume that the information we receive is reliable and accurate. But it's...

Logic Puzzles and Brain Teasers: A Comprehensive Overview

Logic Puzzles and Brain Teasers: A Comprehensive Overview

Logic puzzles and brain teasers are a great way to challenge your mind, exercise your problem-solving skills, and have...

Cost-benefit Analysis: A Guide to Making Informed Decisions

Cost-benefit Analysis: A Guide to Making Informed Decisions

Making decisions can be difficult, especially when there are multiple options to choose from. To help you navigate these...

Cause and Effect Diagrams: A Problem-Solving Technique

Cause and Effect Diagrams: A Problem-Solving Technique

Cause and effect diagrams are a powerful problem-solving technique that can help you identify the root cause of any...

Brainstorming Solutions: A Problem-Solving Guide

Brainstorming Solutions: A Problem-Solving Guide

Are you stuck on a problem and can't seem to find a solution? Brainstorming is a creative problem-solving technique that...

Finding Sustainable Energy Sources

Finding Sustainable Energy Sources

With the world's energy consumption increasing at an alarming rate, the need to find sustainable sources of energy has...

Improving Customer Service Quality

Improving Customer Service Quality

No matter the size of your business, customer service quality is essential in creating a successful customer experience....

Recognizing Bias: A Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills Guide

Recognizing Bias: A Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills Guide

In today's world, it is becoming increasingly important to recognize bias and how it can affect our decision-making. Bias ...

Making Complex Decisions: A Comprehensive Overview

Making Complex Decisions: A Comprehensive Overview

Making complex decisions can be a daunting task, especially when you are not sure what the best option is. Whether it’s ...

Choosing the Right Career: Problem-Solving Examples

Choosing the Right Career: Problem-Solving Examples

Are you unsure of what career path to take? It can be overwhelming to consider the vast number of options available and...

Group Decision Making Activities

Group Decision Making Activities

Group decision making activities are an important part of problem-solving and team-building. In a group setting, members...

Applying Existing Solutions for Problem Solving Strategies

Applying Existing Solutions for Problem Solving Strategies

In today's world, problem-solving is a critical skill for success. Applying existing solutions is an important component...

Paired Comparison Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Paired Comparison Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Making decisions can be difficult, especially when there are multiple options to choose from. Paired comparison analysis...

Thinking Outside the Box: An Overview of Individual Brainstorming Techniques

Thinking Outside the Box: An Overview of Individual Brainstorming Techniques

In today's world, it is more important than ever to think outside the box. However, many people don't know how to go...

Debate Activities and Role-Play Scenarios

Debate Activities and Role-Play Scenarios

The process of engaging in meaningful debate and role-play scenarios can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both...

Collaborative Problem Solving Games: Exploring Creative Solutions for Teams

Collaborative Problem Solving Games: Exploring Creative Solutions for Teams

Collaborative problem solving games are becoming increasingly popular as teams strive to find creative solutions to their ...

Exploring the Serendipity Technique of Creative Problem Solving

Exploring the Serendipity Technique of Creative Problem Solving

Creativity is at the heart of problem-solving, and one of the best techniques for unlocking creative potential is the...

Structured Decisions: An Overview of the Decision Making Process

Structured Decisions: An Overview of the Decision Making Process

Making decisions is an important part of life, and having a structured decision-making process can help ensure that we...

Managing Your Finances Effectively

Managing Your Finances Effectively

Managing finances effectively is essential for any individual or business to succeed. It is the foundation of a healthy...

Exploring Trial and Error Problem Solving Strategies

Exploring Trial and Error Problem Solving Strategies

Trial and error is a simple yet powerful problem-solving strategy that can be applied to almost any situation. Despite...

Creative Writing Exercises and Storyboards

Creative Writing Exercises and Storyboards

Creativity is the key to unlocking our imagination and stimulating our minds. Creative writing exercises and storyboards...

Jigsaw Puzzles and Mazes: Problem Solving Activities for Fun and Learning

Jigsaw Puzzles and Mazes: Problem Solving Activities for Fun and Learning

Are you looking for a fun and educational activity for yourself or your family? Jigsaw puzzles and mazes are the perfect...